Rome Total War Unit Code: All Roman Greek and Carthaginian Units

create_unit "place of destination" "unit code" 5 9 3 3

roman peasant
roman archer
roman archer auxillia
roman velite
roman light infantry auxillia
roman city militia
roman princeps
roman triarii

roman infantry auxillia
roman legionary cohort i
roman legionary first cohort i
roman legionary cohort ii
roman legionary first cohort ii
roman arcani
roman praetorian cohort i
roman praetorian cohort urban i
roman wardogs
roman pigs
roman velite gladiator
roman samnite gladiator
roman mirmillo gladiator
roman light cavalry
roman cavalry auxlillia
roman medium cavalry
roman heavy cavalry
roman praetorian cavalry
roman ballista
roman scorpion
roman onager
roman heavy onager

carthaginian peasant
carthaginian peltast
carthaginian slinger
carthaginian archer
carthaginian city militia
carthaginian infantry
carthaginian medium infantry
carthaginian heavy infantry
carthaginian sacred band infantry
carthaginian cavalry
carthaginian medium cavalry
carthaginian general's cavalry
carthaginian royal cavalry
carthaginian warhounds
carthaginian elephant forest
carthaginian elephant african
carthaginian elephant cataphract
carthaginian onager
carthaginian heavy onager

greek peasant
greek peltast
greek archer
greek heavy peltast
greek hoplite militia
greek hoplite
greek hoplite elite
greek hoplite spartan
greek levy pikemen
greek royal pikemen
greek silver shield pikemen
greek bastarnae
greek light lancer
greek cavalry
greek medium cavalry
greek heavy cavalry
greek royal cavalry
greek general's guard cavalry


  1. Everytime I put it in it says err: unit type not recognised

    1. cuz u probably typed it in wrong

    2. I like your videos on YouTube anonymous

    3. You have to type it with quotes around unit type and a family members name, but not a settlement, like create_unit Sparta "roman arcani" 5 9 3 3 3 or create_unit "Madyes" "roman arcani" 5 9 3 3 3, settlement or family members name must show as it appears inc;using ca[s

  2. Make sure u have typed it in correctly

  3. I typed correctly but still say's "unit type not recognized" What to do ?

    1. what are you trying to create?

      could you show us by typing here would help then we could show whats wrong. late but true i guess

    2. It used tod do that withm me but knowi it works.

  4. You need to type it like create_unit Rome "roman heavy cavalry" for example.

  5. To make this code work, you need to type in either the name of the town you want to make a unit in first, or to type in the name of the general you want a unit to spawn with if he isn't in a town.

    City example; create_unit Carthage "carthaginian infantry" 1/9/3/3 ~ with a space between numbers instead of a "/" mark.

    General example; create_unit "Publius Propertius" "roman light cavalry" 1/9/3/3 ~ Again, with a space between numbers instead of the "/" marks.

    Hope this helps!

    1. what is this 1933?

    2. the 1 stands for the amount of units, ranging from 1 to 5 I believe, trhe 9 in the experience (9 being 3x gold) 3 3 are both for armour/defence (so 3 being gold) :)

  6. For some reason the "create_unit" cheat doesn't work in an unpatched version of the game. Be sure to uptade it (1.5 patch recommended). That's should solve your problem

  7. Make sure that when you type in the unit code to not use capital letters, the game recognises the IDs in lower case
    for example "roman archer" and NOT "Roman Archer"

  8. It only works for Greek units

  9. How do you get a cataphract from Parthia

  10. one of the best helps yet!! works like a charm. thanks for putting this up!

  11. does not fucking work what a gay list u got switch between. 5 9 9 9 9, and 5 9 3 3 any one doesn't belief this try Roman hastati on this list with the fucking bitch.code 5 9 3 3 it won't none of the roman legionary works so....

    1. And you are a fucking idiot read the comments some guys wrought how to make it work idiot

    2. create_unit Rome "roman archer" 4 9 3 3
      make sure you capatilize the first letter in the city.
      if you do it right then 4 groups of achers should show up in rome with maxed stats, course since you are just starting the game you might want to try Ariminum one of your starting cities

    3. Well aren't ya a raging kiddo tell me how about ya grow up instead of being pissed off about having no life roffle

    4. How about Germania? How to get units for that?

    5. yo dude. try 1 9 3 3 it works for me trolololololololololol

    6. stewpid peoples, lmao

  12. i keep getting err cannot add unit to character in residence can anyone help me?

  13. For cities with two names, and no this isn't one of them. Roman City. You have to put that city name in qutotation marks. EX:
    Create_Unit "Roman City" "roman peasant" 5 9 3 3
    The unit names are never capitalized and must be in quotation marks, the city names must be capitalized yet single named cities are not required to be in quotations EX; a city named Roman is typed as
    Create_Unit Roman "roman peasant" 5 9 3 3.
    Always be sure to check simple typing errors before urge to throw computer arises. I've lost count of how many times I've mistyped praetorian :)

  14. What if i want to spawn a gaul swordsmen unit?

  15. So i type in 'create_unit Arretium roman praetorian cohort urban i 5/9/3/3' and it says unit type not recognised and thats what it says in the list to type in..PLS HELP MEH

    1. As others have pointed out, if there are any spaces in a name (be it a town name or a unit name or a general name) you need to put the name in quotation marks. For example:

      create_unit "Narbo Martius" "roman praetorian cohort urban i" 5 9 3 3

      The above code will create 5 maxed urban cohorts in Narbo Martius. Always remember: without quotation marks, the console will treat the space character as the boundary between two different input fields (I.e the code you typed above would be interpreted as having the unit type be "roman", the number being "praetorian", the experience level being "cohort" etc.).

      Another important thing to remember is that everything is case sensitive

      For reference, in general the correct usage should be:

      create_unit "" ""

    2. Apologies, my example didn't work, trying again:

      create_unit "(general/town/admiral name)" "(unit name)" (number of units) (experience value) (weapon quality) (armour quality)

      Where the brackets are replaced with whatever it says inside them. Remember, with single word names (e.g Arretium), the quotation marks aren't necessary, but any name with a space in it (e.g. Narbo Martius, Condate Redonum, Admiral Oppius etc.) You NEED quotation marks around it in order for the console to interpret it as a single name.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Very helpful. Many thanks. If we all simply read and followed incredibly simple directions, it would all go so smoothly.

  18. Im gonna write a code to exact standards so we all know nobody ever does this fuck example HERE

    create_unit Narbo_Martius "roman hastati"5 9 3 3

    Note everything is exact space and punctuation. At the end the 5933 have a space between them but not at the start with number 5 you type 5 9 3 3 after the """"""" sign if you don't understand that then fuck message me

    1. There is only one space between everything it applies to the whole code on how I spaced it

    2. There is only one space between everything it applies to the whole code on how I spaced it

  19. First off, thanks to everyone for the help. I LOVE this cheat, its very helpful when you're in a tight spot (or you just wanna dominate haha) i know this is an old thread, but if anyone is out there, please help me.....

    how do you give_traits or create_units to Generals with a name that has changed such as "Amulius the Clever" or "Publius the Honest" or "Aloeus of Sparta"? i read somewhere to put an underscore somewhere, but i can't find that website again. please help and use about 2 or 3 examples of it.

    Thank you,

    1. If you type in the ORIGINAL NAME it will work. Write it down before it changes.

  20. and also, i'm playing through STEAM community, so i don't think i can go to the data folder and get the original name either.....if thats how i gotta find it, can someone SMART explain how to do it that way? (if thats how i need to do it)

    Thank you,

  21. Can Juii family create Greek units using cheats creat_unit ?

  22. What to do it The Button to OPEN The console on my compute is The quotes? Whenever I try to put The quotation Marks to make The code work, It closes The console... :(

  23. i hahe same problem in addons "unit type not recognised"
    example: create_unit "Alexander" "greek royal cavalry" 5 9 3 3

  24. Thnx. Works for sure (at least for patch) a few example:-
    1.create_unit "Flavour Julius" "roman archer" 5 9 3 3
    2.create_unit "Athens" "roman praetorian cavalry" 5 9 3 3
    Note:-1.caps for general/city name but NOT for unit name
    2. 5 9 3 3 has space in-btw.
    3. Use the " " marks.
    4. Be patient and careful.
    Hope this helps. Good luck everyone. Thnx to game developers also.

  25. Thnx. Works for sure (at least for patch) a few example:-
    1.create_unit "Flavour Julius" "roman archer" 5 9 3 3
    2.create_unit "Athens" "roman praetorian cavalry" 5 9 3 3
    Note:-1.caps for general/city name but NOT for unit name
    2. 5 9 3 3 has space in-btw.
    3. Use the " " marks.
    4. Be patient and careful.
    Hope this helps. Good luck everyone. Thnx to game developers also.

  26. What about ships?

    1. create unit "Admiral Thero" "naval biremes/triremes/quinquereme" 1 9 3 3. ..The character to whom you add the ship needs to be an admiral

    2. Really? Haven't tried that. Thanks

  27. Just started steam February love RTW LOVE The cheat codes. I had problems following instructions of cheat. But getting there. Playing RTW 1, Then barbarians and Alexander. MY Q is if I purchase another RTW what or which one is can still use cheat codes? Which RTW would you recommend?

  28. I have found this page very helpful. Thank you for posting it. And yes i cant tell you all how many times i wanted to throw the monitor out the window for not typing the proper text- - way more times than i care to say. Always take your time typing. Many thanks again

  29. could you please give the code for the mack daddy elephants please thank you

  30. I had the same issues spawning units but after a few try's i found what i did wrong. Only thing i cant spawn in are the berserkers and bastarnae but chances are big that its my fault aswell. 99% of the codes work perfectly on my s7.

  31. Can you provide the unit name for the Cataphacts (Seleucid Empire) Thank you

  32. some reason i type the cheat code create_unit "character name" "Roman equite" 5 8 8 8 and the game does not see it as type of unit?

    1. Character name must start with a capital letter and unit type must be all lower case. In your example you put character name in small caps and you capitalized Roman

  33. Hey
    Thank you so much
    Do you know how to add influence and mangment and command stuff to the general

  34. Also is there is a way to create a general unit to role the cites I have conquered
