This section will be dedicated to random rants and ideas that doesn't belong anywhere.
Ubuntu Release Page: Link
Setting for Wordpress permissions if you aren't sure: Link
Detailed Walkthrough for Dragon Age: Origins if you are stuck: Link
How to find out if your processor is 64bit capable: Link
Favicon Code:
<link href='http://.../favicon.ico' rel='shortcut icon'/>
<link href='http://.../favicon.ico' rel='icon'/>
How to flash Asus EEE PC Bios:
You need a USB Flash Drive formatted as FAT16 or in windows FAT. Download your Bios ROM from the Asus website. Depending on your machine rename the ROM file, so mine is 901.ROM since my EEE PC model is 901. Boot up the machine with the USB and press ALT and F2 while booting up, this will take you automatically into the built-in bios updater. Now rest is magic if it all succeeds but if it doesn't... oh man...
To fix "Dependency service or group failed to start" issues in Vista:
Please open up cmd in administrator mode and type in " sfc /scannow " without the quotations.
How to reset winsock:
Please open up cmd in administrator mode and type in " netsh winsock reset " without the quotations.
How to reset Windows Update Folder:
Type the following lines in the cmd
net stop wuauserv
cd /d %windir%
rd /s SoftwareDistribution
net start wuauserv
When your default gateway keeps resetting:
You can create a bat file and put it in Windows startup
create a bat file (Windows 7)
netsh interface ip set address
“Local Area Connection” static